Remedies for Unfair Dismissal

Once a finding of unfair dismissal has been reached, the Tribunal has the discretion to make the following orders:

  1. Basic Award; (loss of notice period and a payment similar to redundancy payment);

  2. Compensatory Award (further loss of employment);

  3. Reinstatement Order;

  4. Re-engagement Order; and

  5. Addition Award (where the employer refuses to comply with a reinstatement or re-engagement order).

Orders for reinstatement or re-engagement are rare. Barristers will advise you that a reinstatement order is only granted in 1% of cases. I represented a Claimant in the Employment Tribunal where the Claimant was granted a reinstatement order and was awarded £85,000 for a unfair redundancy dismissal. So it is possible. Read more about how to get a reinstatement order.

♕ If you need help making an Employment Tribunal

We will be able to give coaching and work with you to produce the Particulars of Claim for ET1 Employment Claim Form once we have completed an in-depth review of the challenges that are provided by the case.