The Schedule of Loss is a document that lists the losses that you, as the claimant, feel you have sustained and seek to recover, both up to the day of the hearing and beyond, as a consequence of the action of the respondent (the person you are making the claim against). These losses may go back as far as the date of the hearing or farther in the past.
It is crucial to determine how much you believe your claim is worth before going to an employment tribunal to submit a claim for compensation. You may also use this number as a negotiating tool with your employer in an effort to avoid filing a claim with a tribunal. Make sure that you mention any and all potential claims that you may have, such as the fact that you have not been paid notice or holiday pay.
The schedule of loss template will help you illustrate the amount that you want the tribunal to award you in the event that you are successful in your claim. In most cases, the employment tribunal will request that you prepare one.